Sunday, December 29, 2019

Da Vinci A Man Of Science - 1608 Words

Leonardo Da Vinci was a man well known for his amazing artwork but not many know that he was also a man of science. Da Vinci was not just an artist he was also an architect, inventor, a naturalist, geologist, an engineer, and an anatomist. He was given the name â€Å"Renaissance man† because of his intellect. Da Vinci was born in Anchiano, Tuscany (which today is known as Italy) on April 15, 1452 until his death on May 2, 1519. When Da Vinci was young his parents were never married to one another. His mother, Caterina Da Vinci was a pheasant while his father, Piero Fruosino di Antonio da Vinci was an attorney and notary. He was the only child the two had together. In Da Vinci’s early career he was never given the proper basic education so by†¦show more content†¦Paintings he made were very precise in detail because he took great pride into getting the landscapes, rocks, etc. to look just right so he never wanted to miss anything. Da Vinci thought that the most powerful force in nature was the movement of water, especially rivers. To Da Vinci, water is a very significant resource that has sculpted landscapes to create its astonishing features over long periods of time (Jones, 2011). He went walking out atop the appellation mountains and what he saw made him surprised because he saw complete beauty in the geographical detail. And that wasn’t all that captured his attention up on the mountains; so did the remains of fossilized prehistoric sea creatures (Birx, n.d.). Fossils caught the attention of Da Vinci because when he first witnessed them he wondered how it was possible for forces on earth to be able to create such a rock. He then realized that what these rocks contained were actually once living organisms that used to swim in the prehistoric sea. Confirmation of this discovery came from one of his secret journals called the Codex Leicester in which he wrote in, between 1504 and 1510. Da Vinci figured out the truth behind fossils due to the fact that the body of the fossil showed evidence of the organisms’ activity. What he did to prove his finding was to use what he already knew about living animals and plug them in to confirm what he learned or was learning about fossils. The

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Origins Of Jazz Into Hiphop - 940 Words

This semester we have learned about various artists that come from different genres. Learning about the Origins of Jazz into Hiphop was interesting. There are a lot of similarities between many of the artists back then with the artists of this time period. It was interesting learning about how much the music related to the social causes happening around certain time periods. It is almost as if music became a problem free zone for musicians of that time; it was an escape. Of the various artists there are three that come to my mind when I think about their influence to their time period as well as their influences to future times periods. These artist included, Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, and Elvis Presley. Elvis Presley was an important Rock and Roll artist of his time period. He was known for being a rebel and supposedly causing white people to rebel as blacks did. Rock and Roll itself was known as the rebel’s music. It was a controversial genre that wired up young Americans. R egardless of the artist, Rock and Roll was thought of being the reason why the youth was being corrupted. Critics would try to sensor the music, but failed. By the late 1960s, rock music was the accepted musical vocabulary of young people world wide. Rock and Roll gave shape to the cultural movements going on around the world. In the United States, rock and roll music could no longer ignore social conditions. Artists had to start contributing to the events going on around them as part of theirShow MoreRelatedRap : The Flow Of A Disputed Artform3070 Words   |  13 Pagespassion. Coarse opinions, such as Princeton University Professor Henry van Dyke’s, were common when jazz music initially received a reputation as being immoral with many members of the older generations viewed it as threatening old values in culture and promoting the new decadent values of the â€Å"Roaring 20s.† Eventually though, through informed discussion and appreciation for it’s innovativ e qualities, jazz became recognized as indispensable and one of the most definitive styles of American music. HistoryRead MoreA Brief Note On Hip Rap Culture And Hip Hop1862 Words   |  8 Pageseveryone, and I think that this movement of Hip Hop has begun and is still occurring. I chose to do this research topic for my final project out of sheer curiosity and interest in the subject. I do love all of the multi-faceted aspects of Hip Hop. The origin, the art, culture, the people, all of it. However, I did feel like I was missing out on the facts, history, and even the education, some might say, I was highly interested in learning more about the culture of Hip Hop, and was greatly excited whenRead MoreGloablization4764 Words   |  20 Pagesmechanical sound effects (cutting and scratching on turntables), DJing (the disc jockey), MCing (the microphone controller or master of ceremonies), and the language (i.e., Yo, HipHop, a way of life, holla’—Peace). Hip-Hop is an extension of the African American culture that includes for instance, the Harlem Renaissance and its music, jazz, which also had fresh â€Å"forward thinking forms of literature, art and music† that represented expressions and experiences of African Americans (Ayazi-Hashjin 19 99). Hip-HopRead MoreBrazil Culture17445 Words   |  70 Pages†¢ 0.4% Indian †¢ 0.7% unspecified POLITICS Before we look at Brasil’s politics nowadays, we want to search the history of Brazil’s politics. Throughout its history, Brazil has struggled to build a democratic and egalitarian society, despite its origins as a plantation colony and the strong influence of slavery. In 1889, Marshall Deodoro da Fonseca declared the republic. Until 1930, Brazilian republic was formally a democracy, although the power was concentrated in the hands of powerful land owners

Friday, December 13, 2019

Winston’s True Love for Julia Persuasion Free Essays

Love is a word that can have multiple meanings. You can love someone for who they are, because of how they act, or maybe even you love the idea of love and rebellion which may include someone special. â€Å"1984† depicts this idea of love between Winston and Julia in a manner that changes people’s viewpoints. We will write a custom essay sample on Winston’s True Love for Julia Persuasion or any similar topic only for you Order Now The factors that determine whether Julia and Winston love each other include the idea of love that keeps them together, the physical attraction between them, and the emotional relationship they create.You can determine whether the love that Winston and Julia share is actually true love or is it just the ideas that one loves about another. â€Å"His heart leapt. Scores of times she had done it; he wished it had been hundreds-thousands. Anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope. † (p. 125). This quote proves that Winston loves the fact that she has had sexual intercourses with scores of Party members, proving the corruption in the Party itself. But nowhere in the novel does it mention Winston loving Julia, but it mentions what Winston loves about her: her hair, eyes, characteristics, sexual intercourses, etc. This idea also intertwines with the concept of love and physical attraction. Physical attraction is one of the ideas and human characteristics that the Party is trying to eliminate. Any signs of physical attraction to another member or Prole can result in becoming an â€Å"unperson†. He thought of her naked, youthful body, as he had seen in his dream. He had imagined her a fool like all the rest of them, her head stuffed with lies and hatred, her belly full of ice. A kind of fever seized him at the thought that he might lose her, the white youthful body might slip away from him! † (p. 109-110). This quote proves that Winston indeed has a physical attraction to Julia, but not because he loves her, but because he wants to prove a point against the Party without them actually knowing. By stating that she is â€Å"a fool like all the rest of them, her head stuffed with lies and hatred, her bell full of ice†, Winston attempts to mock the Party by presenting a case where he has attracted a devoted Party member and therefore broken their stronghold. But as later seen in the novel, physical attraction may not only be the main idea behind the ‘love’ Winston has for Julia. Emotional attraction is one of the major connections between Winston and Julia and it affects the overall purpose of the novel. â€Å"He had never before seen or imagined a woman of the Party with cosmetics on her face. The improvements in her appearance were startling. † (p. 142). Although this quote does not directly portray an emotional connection between the two Party members, the physical changes are the ones that attract Winston more emotionally to Julia. He is already connected to Julia in a manner which involves her body, her ideas and her methods of rebellion. Emotionally though, Winston sees that she is more than just an idea outside Party views, but a person with emotions and feelings. Winston is able to see this clearly during this scene. All of these different connections allow readers to analyze whether the there is a true love between Winston and Julia or is it just a love about being an individual in a society which commands all inhabitants to be the same? The idea of love, the physical attraction and emotional connection assist readers in deciding whether or not Winston and Julia are truly in love. Each and all have arguments for and against the point but whether there is truly a love attraction between the two has, and always will, stay as a thought in the readers’ mind. The true answer to this question will always remain with the author of the award-winning novel. How to cite Winston’s True Love for Julia Persuasion, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Ethical Communication For Business for Teamwork- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theEthical Communication For Business for Reviewing Teamwork. Answer: Introduction The exchange of ideas, information and knowledge between two parties for a common objective can be considered as process of communication. The communication process plays a crucial role in an organizational structure. The communication process is a mechanism which is a two-way process executed for exchanging of relevant information. This approach is a specialized segment which forms an integral part of all the operations and functionalities in the business organization. This process involves transformation of data from one level to another level within the hierarchy of the business entity. The data or the concerned information is transferred internally and externally for executing number of transactions and operations. The communication process is considered as very much liable in attainment of the organizational goals and targets. The process comprises of the exchange of relevant data by making use of varied range of tools and methodologies and that to in an ethical manner. Ethical communication is concerned with the communication process which is judged on the morals and values utilized during the process. The process of communication should be executed by making use of ethical considerations. An ethical communication process defines the brand equity and goodwill of the firm. In case of communication with the clients there should be a high level of transparency for the information shared (Galegher, Kraut and Egido, 2014). This transparency will be proven beneficial for the business organization as it will develop a feeling of trust among the clients and the consumers which will enhance the brand loyalty and brand equity. The below executed essay has been focused on the process of ethical communication. The further report comprises of the different aspects of communication process and the factor s which are relevant to be considered in the methodology. Reviewing teamwork According to the research conducted on the below mentioned concepts it has been observed by Kokemuller (2017) that the methodology in which collaboration is the most essential component for execution of operations and functionalities can be termed as teamwork. This approach leads to delivery of high level of efficiency and effectiveness and also a hike will be observed in the productivity level (Goetsch and Davis, 2014). Teams are the groups of individuals with complementary capabilities for the execution of a common purpose and are also considered as liable for the attainments. The team mates are assigned tasks which are required to be performed by them on individual and also on team basis. The team mates are held responsible for the outcomes whether it is positive or negative. The individuals are trained to work together in a co-ordinated and supportive manner for the accomplishment of the desired goals and targets. The productivity and the effectiveness of the task is the extent t o which the team has been proven successful in achieving its pre-determined objectives. Team performance is the level of the outcomes which has been attained by the mutual and coordinated working and execution of the operations. A team has been considered as the system which comprise of a group which is also a dynamic system of interrelationships between the individuals which are connected for a common purpose. Team exists to produce desired outcomes and the extent of the effectiveness of the results will be termed as the team performance. There are varied range of information which is required to be transmitted from one level or hierarchy to another. For transferring the data and ideas the individuals are required to adopt a communication process which can be termed ass the process of team communication (Grunig, 2013). Team communication is the interaction which is executed between the team members. Effective team communication is the core ingredient for a group for attainment of a high performance level. Moreover, effective communication has been considered as the key to the high level of performance and productivity. When each team mate in the team starts understanding the role, listens to the instructions offers and updates in an appropriate manner and also gives the progress reports to the leaders. Then the team leads will be more aware about the progress and what more need to be done for further improvements. Team communication leads to a number of benefits for the business corporation such as high engagement of the among the team mates which will lead to an increase in the motivation level of the employees and which will make them more happier and an increase in their productivity level will be observed. On the basis of the research conducted by Intuits Quick Base high engagement is one of the biggest factor for high energy level in the team mates and also commitment for grabbing new and upcoming opportunities. Moreover, there are some negative aspects also of this concept .i.e. team communication, such as there are chances of rising conflicts among the team mates (DesJardins and McCall, 2014). There are differences in the ideas and thoughts of each team member and which can be considered as one of the biggest factor for rise in the conflicts and issues among the team mates. Communication and team work On the basis of the survey executed by McDuffee (2014) it has been analyzed that the approach of communication has been considered as one of the most effective component which effects teamwork in the positive as well as negative terms. The quality and quantity of the communication process within a team stimulates the team work. For bringing enhancements in the team work and performance level initiatives are required to be taken by each and every team mate. Inactiveness in the working of the team will be proven disadvantageous and the work will be at stake (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014). The below determined are some of the characters which are required to be possessed by the team mates for conducting effective communication process and which will enhance team work: Listen: A good speaker is a good listener Noticing more leads to learn more effective communications techniques. It has been considered as very much significant for any of the communication process to start and end the process with listening. A set of good listening capabilities will aid the team mates to get involved in the in the communication process that too with an ease (Casmir, 2013). No interruption should be caused or talking over the people should occur. This may lead to leave the feeling of other people unheard and which may develop phenomenal misunderstanding. Say what you mean: You should be clear about what you are conveying or trying to say. Effective means and mediums should be used for conveying and communicating the messages. The words should be clear and appropriate language should be used which will make the process of communication more effective and in-turn will lead to an enhancement in the team work. Mixed messages should be avoided, as they will consume time and will be quite difficult to understand (Mannheimer et al., 2016). This will lead to development of inefficiency in the communication process and a decline in the team work and performance will be observed. Merriam Webster (2016) has stated that Communicate to convey knowledge of or information about make known to reveal by clear signs. A good communication process has been considered as the key to the teamwork. Moreover practice of some additional tactics within the conversations such as speaking slow will be proven beneficial and should not have hurry to speak or respo nd quickly and the words and the language should be clear etc. All this leads to an increase in the performance level and productivity of the team (Kreps, 2017). This shows a deep connectivity between the communication process and team work. As more efficient will be the communication process more will be the effectiveness and high will be the performance of the team. Link between team work, communication and ethics On the basis of the survey conducted by Hassall (2009) it has been stated that the process of communication has been recognized as the team process factor can be considered as one of the focal point for any of the business organization. The author has also presented equivocal evidence for the role which is contributed by the communication in the performance of the team. According to the author there is a strong link between the communication process and the team performance which can be measures and dictated by the outcomes of the teaks performed. Working together is always proven beneficial for the completion off the tasks (Crane and Matten, 2016). Effective communication also leads to a decline or elimination of the stress and the negative feelings. These negative aspects will surely affect the team performance and productivity (Condei et al., 2014). There is an inverse relation between the concepts of communication and team performance. As for having an effective communication met hodology within the organization the individuals are required to get involved in active listening, should have a clear understanding about the goals. Active listening has been considered as the most effective character of the communication process. Active listening involves, note making, asking relevant questions and also repeating what the other person is saying. This all will lead the team mates to bring an increase in the performance and productivity. This all dictates the link between the communication process and the team performance. Ethics also have a strong relation with the process of communication and team performance. The team mates are required to conduct the communication process in an ethical manner (Trevino and Nelson, 2016). This should be considered as the basic requirement and also the top priority. Ethical conducting of the operations and functionalities presents a positive image of the business corporation and which will be proven beneficial on various grounds. E thical conduct determines that the operations and functionalities are executed correctly (Hartman, DesJardins and MacDonald, 2014). And same is with the communication process. For developing the performance and productivity on true grounds the communication process should be conducted ethically. The ethical communication invoices exchange and sharing of correct and relevant information between the team mates. Ethical communication if conducted will lead in the development of a feeling of trust among the team members and will also increase the understanding level. Better understanding level and a sense of coordination will tend the members to bring an enhancement in the effectiveness in the productivity. This shows that there is a strong link between ethics, communication and team performance (Weiss, 2014). Moreover, ethical considerations also aids the entity in development of the of positive image, goodwill and an increase in the market share will be observed. Conclusion In the limelight of the above summarized essay it has been concluded that the term communication has been considered as one of the significant approach. This methodology has been considered as one of the integral part of each and every organizational process as it is the medium which is utilized by the each and every department and hierarchy within the organizational structure. Communication methodologies facilitate the transferring of the data and information within the different level of the entity. The above executed report has been analyzed on the various concepts which are linked with the concept of communication. The first part comprises of the description of the key terms such as the team work, team communication and team performance and effectiveness. A relationship of these terms has been described within this report. All these mentioned key terms form an empirical part of the communication process. The next part of the review involves the identification and description of t he communication process which is linked to the team performance and effectiveness of the same. Furthermore, the a link between all three concepts together has been determined and that are the ethics, communication and the team work. References Casmir, F.L. ed., 2013.Ethics in intercultural and international communication. Routledge. CONDEI, R., NICULAE, I., ?TEFAN, P. and POPESCU, A., 2014. Ethics and communication in management.ETHICS,14(3). Crane, A. and Matten, D., 2016.Business ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization. Oxford University Press. DesJardins, J.R. and McCall, J.J., 2014.Contemporary issues in business ethics. Cengage Learning. Galegher, J., Kraut, R.E. and Egido, C., 2014.Intellectual teamwork: Social and technological foundations of cooperative work. Psychology Press. Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014.Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Grunig, J.E. ed., 2013.Excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge. Hartman, L.P., DesJardins, J.R. and MacDonald, C., 2014.Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility. New York: McGraw-Hill. Kokemuller, 2017, What is team communication, Assessed on 25th October 2017, Kreps, D.G.P., 2017. Corporations and professionalism: awkward bed-fellows?.Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society. Mannheimer, S., Mannheimer, S., Young, S.W., Young, S.W., Rossmann, D. and Rossmann, D., 2016. On the ethics of social network research in libraries.Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society,14(2), pp.139-151. McDuffee, S, 2014, Learn how to communicate effectively to improve teamwork, Assessed on 25th October 2017, motivated-minds, 2017, Team performance, Assessed on 25th October 2017, Shockley-Zalabak, P., 2014.Fundamentals of organizational communication. Pearson. Trevino, L.K. and Nelson, K.A., 2016.Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley Sons. Weiss, J.W., 2014.Business ethics: A stakeholder and issues management approach. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.