Sunday, May 17, 2020

Comparative Perspectives On Concepts Of Gender, Ethnicity...

Taili Mari Tripp’s essay Comparative Perspectives on Concepts of Gender, Ethnicity and Race articulates that within different countries exists two opposing types of feminism Difference feminism and Equality feminism. Tripp places each type of feminism in the context of different countries to measure their effectiveness and compatibility with the pre-existing political landscape and cultural attitudes. Difference feminism refers to a type of feminism that subverts ethnic, racial, and political differences in order to achieve a common agenda. Whereas Equality feminism, supposes that equality of both the genders individually is necessary for true equality. To support the dichotomy perpetuated by Tripp in her comparative analysis of Difference and Equality feminism, Tripp alludes to case studies and political events that were integral to feminist movements within particular countries. Tripp uses examples of peace negotiations in several African countries and the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf campaign in Liberia, to articulate the merits of political motherhood, a concept ingrained within Difference feminism. Moreover, Tripp uses a sociocultural analysis of Bolivia and various African countries to prove the existence of complementarity of gendered spheres of influence and gender roles within Difference feminism. Conversely, Tripp uses examples of the US Declaration of Independence to illustrate the political climate of the US that necessitated Equality feminism over Difference feminism.Show MoreRelatedStudent Athletes s Academic Self Concept And Academic Identity1144 Words   |  5 Pagessought to address and understand how the â€Å"dumb-joc k† stereotype influences a student’s academic self-concept and academic identity. Student-athletes have multiple identities while in college which can be influenced by stereotype threat. 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